As per direction of VTU Belgavi to celebrate and conduct “Free From Bad Habits Day” in the memory of DR.MAHANT SWAMI JI CHATTARAGI BAGALAKOTA on 1st August 2109.
For these purpose events like Essay competition, Speech competition were conducted “Happing Reaction Towards Bad Habits” by student and staff. A special speech by Chief Guest Dr. Mohammed Abdul Raheem sir and Dr.Kausar Anjum Madam is delivered.
The following students are congratulated for securing the prize
speech Competition
Sumayya CSE Branch 1st SEM 1st prize
Jasmin Sheikh E&C Branch 7th SEM 2nd prize
Mubashir CSE Branch 1st SEM 3rd prize
Essay competition
Jasmin Sheikh E&C Branch 7th SEM 1st prize
Neha Anjum CSE Branch 1st SEM 2nd prize
Sushma Rani E&C Branch 7th SEM 2nd prize
Alina CSE Branch 1ST SEM 3rd prize